You can sit in on lectures from the current week’s modules at any time.
Get to know us.
Worth knowing about your executive education:
You can now tailor our newly structured “Law & Management (LM-HSG)” program to suit your current life situation and personal needs – in terms of timing, content and degree. You can flexibly put together your executive education with a free selection from all of our modular course offerings. You can join at any time, continuously expand your education, even interrupt it sometimes, dedicate yourself to a new topic and try something different. What’s more, you now even have the option of conveniently expanding your accumulated continuing education courses up to the Executive Master Law & Management (EM LM-HSG) – a real novelty.
This is what you can expect at the information event:
- You will learn about our Law & Management unit at the Executive School of the University of St.Gallen, our offerings, and the value of your continuing education.
- You will understand why we like to be measured by our claim: “Knowledge creates impact”.
- You will understand the options for designing and the milestones of your continuing education – from registration to successful completion.
- You will gain an in-depth insight into the course content (scheduling, speakers, etc.).
- You can clarify your specific questions directly with the right contacts.
Am I in the right place?
- You get a first personal impression of us and our services and we get to know each other personally right away.
- You can speak directly with your contact persons and get individual information about your further education goals.
- You will get to know other people interested in the course.
- We take the time to answer your personal questions.
And what’s more …
- You will find out about all the important dates and starting opportunities.
- You will understand how you can individually and flexibly put together your executive education thanks to the modular design.
- We talk about payment modalities, financing options and scholarships.
- Let us inspire you! Learn about our entire continuing education program and how you can achieve your goals with us.
- Would you prefer a personal consultation? We would be happy to take the time for you. Please contact us to make an appointment.
We are looking forward to meeting you!