Articles on current issues at the intersection of law and business administration, Volume 5 - German only

Recht und Betriebswirtschaft sind untrennbar verflochten. Wirtschaftsrechtliche Problemstellungen lassen sich oft nur durchdringen, wenn das Verständnis für den betriebswirtschaftlichen Kontext, in den die Rechtsfrage eingebettet ist, da ist. Der vorliegende Sammelband enthält Forschungsarbeiten von Juristinnen und Juristen, die im Thema Law & Management engagiert sind. Die Beiträge werfen Schlaglichter auf spannende Fragestellungen im Schnittbereich von Recht und Management, die für Rechtsanwälte, Unternehmensjuristen und Compliance-Verantwortliche von grosser praktischer Bedeutung sind.

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Comparative Law Yearbook International Business Vol. 40A

Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory

In this book chapter, Senior Lecturer and Director of Compliance Studies, Gabe Shawn Varges, describes what has influenced the development of compliance in Switzerland and why this is relevant for running compliance functions. 

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Minutes of the Conference on the Future of Legal Services

On 11/12 January 2018, we held the inaugural conference on the future of legal services . This event emerged from a “back of the envelope” sketch at a coffee break at Harvard Law School in 2017. Leo Staub, John Flood and Peter Lederer were there for the LawWithoutWalls kickoff. They were talking about the changes facing the world of law. While there is an abundance of lectures, papers, and hackathons, there is rarely a chance to simply have an extended dialogue. They decided to change that – and here we are! An amazing group from the cutting edge in academia, corporate and legal practice, and the world of alternative legal service providers gathered in St. Gallen and contributed their thoughts on the developments in legal service that we are facing. This publication shares the insights gathered during these few valuable days.

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