The week-long course on “Cyber Security for Executives” took place for the first time in January 2022. Samir Aliyev, programme director at the University of St.Gallen, had structured and compiled the contents of that week on the basis of demand. Various speakers enriched the week, and participants profited from practical examples. They were provided with a compendium of how they could optimally prepare themselves against cyber attacks. We were able to interview a participant; read for yourself what Ms Arnold thinks about the executive education week.

Every company can be the target of a cyber attack

What was your motivation for enrolling in this five-day executive education course?

The threat of cyber attacks has increased a great deal in the last few years. In my function, it’s imperative to deal actively with these risks and the questions and possible courses of action resulting from them. This course is highly topical and has an interdisciplinary approach.

You work for Coop Rechtsschutz AG as their Chief Risk & Compliance Officer. Can you generally recommend the course to others?

Every company and every IT landscape can be a target of cyber criminals today. I’m convinced that a company which is aware of these risks will sensitise its employees and cooperate with experts, as well as implementing adequate protection mechanisms. Thanks to this course, I can deal better with these threats and categorise these hazards and risks better.

What expectations did you have of this course?

My aim was to receive an up-to-date and comprehensive insight into all the aspects relevant to cyber security, as well as receiving corresponding mitigation strategies.

You decided to attend this course at the Executive Campus HSG in St.Gallen. What was the week like for you? What did you experience?

The executive education week was very interesting and instructive; owing to the wealth of topics, it was also intensive and demanding at the same time. In addition, we were a great group of participants, and this made for exciting discussions and conversations. This exchange alone was instructive and provided an insight into practical examples and real cyber security problems in companies.

Very specifically, what did you take home, or rather, back to your everyday working life?

Owing to its explosive nature and the far-reaching consequences which a cyber incident can have, it is indispensable that this issue should be tackled in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary manner. One-off activities are inappropriate. This is a matter of developing a heightened risk awareness in the company and, in cooperation with external specialists, of achieving an effective interaction of technology, processes and people.

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